
Posted by Bit McMillan - -

Many New Yabusaka Baby Outfit Released!

NoCheeks (unisex), HugMe (girly), BerryCute (girly), BeeMine (unisex) and DontBugMe (unisex).

On Bit:
Body: < Yabusaka > Baby mesh avatar 
Shape:  **Cute Bytes** Yabusaka BabyMesh - SHAPE (free in group notices)
Skin: **Cute Bytes** Ariel Snow - MESH
Eyes: **Cute Bytes** Alice Eyes (group reserved skin & eyes)
Hairs:  **Cute Bytes** Juky Hairs - Blonde
Outfit:  **Cute Bytes** BeeMine OutFit (BabyMesh)
Puppets: **Cute Bytes** Socks Puppets - PinkBear *

On Amber:
Body: & Shape < Yabusaka > Baby mesh avatar
Skin: **Cute Bytes** Ariel Pale - MESH
Eyes: Fantastic EYES - Ice blue from negaposi
Hairs:  **Cute Bytes** Mely Hairs - Blondes
Outfit:  **Cute Bytes** Don'tBugMe Outfit (BabyMesh)

Don't Bug me Outfit is available at this StyleMe Round for only 76L$!

* Just a little tip to wear this toy with Yabusaka Baby Avatar:
Rezz your "BabyBody" and hide by texture editing tab in "Transparency" the hands and the Nails
(if glowing also remove the glow in that prims)

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